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Travel, art and days out

Travel, art and days out

With everyone observing lockdown rules, a trip to the zoo or an art gallery seem like a distant memory. The Foreign Office has extended its advisory against non-essential travel anywhere outside the UK indefinitely due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Want a little escapism? See below a few places to get your fix.


Art and museums

The Vatican

The Louvre

The British Musuem

The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Anne Frank House

National Palace Museum

Travel and days out

Grand Canyon and US National Parks

Maccha Picchu

Fjords, volcanoes and caverns

Royal residences in Great Britain

Animals and wildlife

Swim with sharks, dive with dolphins

Watch kitten rescue centre footage, puppies, bald eagles, gorillas, elephants, pandas, under the sea... you name it! 86 live webcams to choose from


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